bestseller computer and laptops
20 Sep, 2024
1 min read


Anterior hypopituitarism are cause by pituitary adenoma , particularly when they are larger than 1cm.Diabetes insipidus is rarely happened in hypopituitarism. Vascular lesion diagnosed like acute Sheehan syndrome , pituitary tumor ,intrasellar carotid aneurism . Lesion due to infection may be from bacterial ,fungal ,parasitic. Auto immune disorder like Lymphocytic hypophysitis is also pituitary gland […]

1 min read


HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE (HYPERTENSION) is a term applied to the 95% of hypertensive patients having elevated blood pressure due to complex interactions between multiple genetic and environmental factors. Blood pressure is the measurement of the force of blood inside our arteries on each heart beat. Our blood pressure does not stay the same at all […]

1 min read


VAGINITIS is defined as Vaginal infection ,inflammation , vaginal irritaion ,pain and fetid discharge , due to various pathogens and allergic reaction of vaginal contraceptives. The normal pH level of vagina is less than or equivalent to 4.5 BACTERIAL VAGINOSIS Bacterial vaginosis is a Polymicrobial infection. A increased growth of Gardnerella and other anaerobes pathogens […]