2 mins read


Diabetes is a metabolic disorder characterised by chronic hyperglycemia associated with disturbance of the blood glucose level due to absolute or relative deficiency in insulin secretion and action.

Diabetes is of different types

1)Diabetes Insipidus: It is a disease caused by reduced secretion of Hormone Vasopressin resulting in the production of large quantity of dilute urine which often causes dehydration and insatiable thirst. Vasopressin is also known as anti diuratic Hormone (ADH) is produced by Hypothalamus of the brain and stored in Pitutary Gland until needed.

2)Diabetes Mellitus : It is a syndrome with disordered metabolism and inappropriate control of blood levels of glucose. It has many subclassifications.

a) Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus : This type of Diabetes is due to Pancreatic islet B cell destruction predominantly due to an autoimmune process. (It occurs at any age but most commonly arises in children and young adults.) the result is the absolute destruction of pancratic beta cells and consequentially insulin is extremely low or absent.

b) Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus : This type of Diabetes usually begins in the middle age or after 40 years and also called non- insulin dependent or adult -onset diabetes. Our pancreas normaly secrete some insulin but having Type 2 diabetes either insulin is not enough or our body doesn’t use it properly. Type 2 Diabetes is milder than type 1 but can causes health complications and also raises risk of heart disease and stroke. People having more target weight according to BMI or obese have high risk of type 2 diabetes and health problems.

3) Other specific Types of Diabetes Mellitus

a) Maturity -Onset Diabetes of the Young (MODY)

b)Gestational Diabetes Mellitus(GDM)

c) Impaired Glucose Tolerance(IGT)

d) Impaired Fasting Glucose(IFG)

e) Combined Glucose Intolerance(CGI)

4) Type 3 Diabetes : it is a proposed term for Alzheimer’s disease resulting from Insulin resistance and insulin deficiency.

Diabetes Control Tips

  • Be more physically active to lose weight, by doing exercise boost your sensitivity to insulin which keeps your blood sugar level balanced.
  • Eat healthy Plant foods and fruits. Fruits such as Tomatoes, Peppers, Plant foods like legumes, chick peas and lentils and consume whole grain foods.
  • Also include dietary fiber in your Diet because fiber slow down the absorption of sugar and also helps in Heart health such as Blood Pressure and Inflammation.
  • Eat Healthy Fats like Unsaturated Fats ( MUFA, PUFA) which promotes healthy blood cholesterol level i.e. Almonds,Peanuts, Flax seeds, Pumpkin Seeds, Olive.
  • Avoid dairy products which contain saturated Fats and Meats especially Red Meat.

For Informational purpose only. Consult your Physician for advice.

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