bestseller computer and laptops
13 Sep, 2024
5 mins read


Onchocerciasis, or river blindness, is caused by Onchocerca volvulus. An estimated 37 million persons are infected, of whom 3-4 million have skin disease, 500,000 have severe visual impairment, and 300,000 are blinded. Over 99% of infections are in sub-Saharan Africa, especially the West African savanna, with about half of cases in Nigeria and Congo. In […]

7 mins read


Primary aldosteronism (hyperaldosteronism) refers to an inappropriately high aldosterone secretion that does not suppress adequately with sodium loading. Most affected patients have hypertension, although some may be normotensive. Primary aldosteronism is common and is believed to account about 10% of mild hypertension and about 14% of moderate hypertension. It should be suspected with early-onset hypertension […]

5 mins read


Atopic dermatitis looks different at different ages and in people of different races. Diagnostic criteria for atopic dermatitis must include pruritus, typical morphology and distribution (flexural lichenification, hand eczema, nipple eczema, and eyelid eczema in adults), onset in childhood, and chronicity. In diagnosing the disease following points should also be considered like personal or family […]

2 mins read


Acute adrenocortical insufficiency is an emergency caused by insufficient cortisol. Adrenal crisis may occur in the following situations: (A) during stress,(eg, trauma, surgery, infection, hyperthyroidism, or prolonged fasting) in a patient with latent or treated adrenal insufficiency; (B) following sudden withdrawal of adrenocortical hormone in a patient with chronic insufficiency or in a patient with […]