1 min read


Anterior hypopituitarism are cause by pituitary adenoma , particularly when they are larger than 1cm.Diabetes insipidus is rarely happened in hypopituitarism.

  • Mass lesion diagnosed in hypopituitarism are meningioma, germinoma ,glioma ,cysts (rathke cleft) ,chordoma ,craniopharyngioma.

Vascular lesion diagnosed like acute Sheehan syndrome , pituitary tumor ,intrasellar carotid aneurism .

Lesion due to infection may be from bacterial ,fungal ,parasitic.

Auto immune disorder like Lymphocytic hypophysitis is also pituitary gland disorder,and more common in women.

Hypopituitarism can also occured without mass lesion due to encephalitis , cranial radiation therapy, cerebral malaria, and auto immunity.

Anterior Hypopituitarism also diagnosed by GH deficiency.GH deficiency can caused by malnutrition, kidney diseases.Other factors are deficiency of LH ,FSH, TSH and ACTH.


  • Hormonal therapy for life time are beneficial in hypopituitarism.
  • Gonadotropin replacement therapy are given in hypogonadotropic hypogonadism.
  • In women panhypopituitarism caused by deficiency of DHEA, so treatment can be done by appropriate dosage of DHEA.
  • In men own pituitary gonadotropins stimulation can be done by a Clomiphene and Clomiphene are also used in inducing female ovulation.
  • GH(Growth Hormone) hormone can be treated with growth hormone injection(rhGH somatropins)

For Informational purpose only. Consult your Physician for advice.

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