1 min read


Alcohol liver disease in which Alcoholism is a syndrome consisting of 2 groups: drinking at risk and moderate to severe alcohol misuses. At risk drinking is a repeat and repeat use of alcohol, often to alleviate anxiety or solve other emotional problems . A moderate to severe alcohol use disorder is like to that which occurs following the repeated use of other sedative hypnotics and is characterized by recurrent use of alcohol.

Alcohol and other drug abuse patients have a much higher prevalence of lifetime psychiatric disorders. The signs of alcoholic intoxication are the same as those of overdosage with any other central nervous system depressant : drowsiness, psychomotor dysfunction.

Excessive alcohol drink can lead to hepatitis, fatty liver, cirrhosis. Alcoholic hepatitis is define as chronic and acute parenchymal necrosis and inflammation of a liver.


Alcohol Use Disorders Inventory Test (AUDIT) are used to diagnose a person with alcohol dependence and abuse.

Fatty liver is often asymptomatic. Fever, Hepatomegaly, and Jaundice are defines which type of hepatitis but patients may be asymptomatic.

Diagnosis with steatosis, mild liver enzymes elevations may be only abnormality. Serum alkaline phosphatase is generally elevated and serum bilirubin is increased in majority of person alcoholic hepatitis.

Liver biopsy tells about macrovesicular fat in alcoholic hepatitis.


Alcohol abstinence is needed from alcohol. Admit patients must be monitored for alcohol withdrawal. Fatty liver is reversible with alcohol abstinence.

Patients should take sufficient amount of carbohydrates and calories in anorectic patients to reduce protein catabolism and promote gluconeogenesis.

Folic acid, thiamine, and zinc is given to when deficiencies are noted in patients.

Corticosteroid and N acetylcysteine are given together in hepatorenal syndrome. Pentoxifylline are also used in hepatorenal syndrome.

For Informational purpose only. Consult your Physician for advice.

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